Sunday, January 27, 2019

Forget the Resolutions; set Fun Goals; Enjoy what Life has to Offer!

January; it’s a New Year, we hope you enjoyed the holidays; so guess what's Next?

No not resolution’s time; resolutions get broken way before they even get started and most are not much fun to keep in the first place so let’s toss them and move on to something new for some; yet very familiar for most. Vacation Planning Time. It’s going to get cold for all of you in the cold winter states. So planning a nice week or two vacation on a tropical island is a great Goal. OK so instead of resolutions let’s do some Goal setting. Goals that we achieve help us move forward in our lives and setting realistic Goals is the best way to succeed.

My goal is to take two weeks and head to a nice tropical island (Home for us), see and do as much as we   can in the time we spent there. So let’s plan it out. We get 10 working days; more if we leave on a Friday; that gives us two days to travel and if we leave really early we can do three Friday vacation days depending on travel distance. Ours is a little under four hours in the air.

OK two weeks, one personal day to travel; leave on a Thursday morning; early arrival by midday and get that extra Friday vacation day. So what else? Plan ahead and let’s take advantage of the whole trip, plan what we want to do every day leaving the last two days to relax, contemplate our adventures and prepare for the trip back home. So the Goal is a great vacation to make adventures, shopping, dancing, clubbing, cultural day trips, dining and two days to relax on the beach and enjoy life! A yearly vacation is the most important goal you and your family can sit down and plan together. We all need to get away, re-energize, enjoy what life has to offer. We work all year so let’s play a little and enjoy each other’s company in a new relaxed environment where we can share adventures and life together; your familia and you deserve it!

So take day to sit the whole family down set the goal to get away, plan the whole experience maybe over lunch or dinner. Find-out what each member wants to do, where they would want to go and see! If you come up with more than one place or country to visit than great; get the majority decision for this year’s trip and set goals for future trips until we visit and do what everyone wants to do, see and experience.

How about living like the locals in another country? It’s better to get a vacation rental home or condo with enough room for everyone; a new home away from home that we look forward to getting there after a fun day or night out. We all know the feeling of arriving home to a familiar place to relax and reenergize. So that would be a vacation rental home; live like the locals with all the comforts of home.

Vacation rentals can be found in every country these days, so do your homework and learn the dos’ and don’ts of renting a vacation home for a totally new experience in vacation travel accommodations. Get the kids evolved and have them do some researching online.

Read our other articles to help get you started, visit our website for tons of information and if your vacation goal is to visit Puerto Rico give us a call for best pricing and to get all your questions or concerns answered…

Villas de Costa Mar for clean, safe, secure, comfortable accommodations in Dorado Puerto Rico and do day trips to anywhere in the island. Directions and instructions in our rentals and on our website...

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